当前检索式 ((ALL:Chen LH Chinese Acad Sci Inst Semicond POB 912 Beijing 100083 Peoples R China.))
SPIE.; COS.; COEMA. 3 China''s National 97 2 SPIE Int Soc Opt Eng 2
Chinese Assoc Crysta 1 Chinese Inst Electr. 1 Inst Radio Engn & El 1
Int Union Mat Res So 1 Ministry of Science 1 National High-Tech R 1
National Natural Sci 1 National Nature Scie 1 Opt Soc Korea.; SPIE 1
SPIE, Taiwan Chapter 1 SPIE. 1 SPIE.; Chinese Opt S 1
Shanghai Jiao Tong U 1 Supported by the Nat 1 This work was suppor 1